Common Divorce Mistakes
Divorce is often a stressful and emotionally-trying time for many couples, and, because of this, one or both parties may end up making mistakes that can have emotional or financial consequences, or both, for many years to come. Below, you will find some of the most common divorce mistakes to avoid and help ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible.
Divorce Mistakes to Avoid
● Lack of Quality Legal Advice – One of the most common divorce mistakes people make is not seeking quality legal advice. While it is likely that you know other couples who have gone through the process of divorce, be wary of taking advice you receive from friends or family members. Divorce is such a complicated matter, and it is important to seek advice from an attorney who is qualified and committed to your case. A legal professional will be able to guide you through the divorce process and advise you of your rights and responsibilities every step of the way.
● Acting Out of Emotion – Divorce can be difficult emotionally. However, it is important to keep your emotions out of the process. Acting out your emotions during the divorce process can lead to decisions that will impact you negatively down the road. Consulting with an attorney, and also turning to a family counselor or therapist, can help you make more sound and thoughtful decisions and help you achieve the best possible outcomes.
● Signing Paperwork Without Checking for Accuracy – Before signing any document, be sure to thoroughly review it, and also make sure that you understand the meaning of each and every sentence in the document. This is especially important if the document was prepared by the opposing attorney. Make sure that all documents you sign accurately reflect the agreements you have made with your spouse in the divorce. If you are not sure what something means in the document you are signing, consult an attorney.
● Lack of Communication with Your Spouse – Another critical divorce mistake is not communicating with your spouse. Spouses who communicate with each other respectfully and thoughtfully will most likely have the best settlement agreements, and the best divorce outcomes. Proper communication can also help to avoid a lengthy, costly, and emotionally draining court battle.
● Forgetting to Change Your Estate Plan – During your divorce process, it is important to review and revise your estate plan so that it accurately reflects your true wishes.
Set Up a Consultation with Conniff & Keleher, LLC
Now that you are becoming aware of some of the more frequent divorce mistakes, you should seek a qualified legal expert to help you navigate the divorce process. The highly-skilled family law attorneys at Conniff & Keleher, LLC can help you avoid the most common divorce mistakes that can negatively impact your life for many years to come. Contact us today to set up a consultation.
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