How to Move on After Divorce

How to Move on After Divorce

Divorce, even a no-fault divorce or a mediation that was cost-effective and timely, can be a painful, life-altering experience. Dealing with the aftermath of a divorce can be difficult, even if the court finds in your favor. When the dust has settled and you’re ready to start your life back up again, we have some advice for how to move on after divorce.

Gather your Circle

Whether you know it or not, you have a support circle of friends and family. Don’t underestimate the value of your loved ones; they can help to bolster you as you find your footing again. If things are feeling difficult or you are feeling vulnerable, reach out to the people you know and love and allow them to help.

Focus on the Future

True, your marriage ended, but that is also already in your past — you have a whole future to look forward to. It sounds like a cliché to say that every ending is also a beginning, but it’s true. While some people will want or need to wholly reinvent themselves after a divorce, you could do something as simple as taking an art class or spending more time with a friend. You now have the opportunity to focus on who you are and what you want from life, independent of your former partner.

Improve Your Health

Marriage, even good marriages, can make us complacent about our health and fitness goals. Now is the time to concentrate on creating a better you. Hit the gym, take a cooking class, or join a healthy group in your area. You’ll feel better and can make new friends along the way.

Find a Support Group

It’s estimated that 40-50 percent of all marriages end in divorce. That means a lot of people out there are experiencing a sense of overwhelming sadness that you might be feeling. Join a group to explore your feelings and get advice from others who have gone through it and come out on the other side. Sometimes the thing a person needs to hear most is “I’ve felt that too.”

Concentrate on Your Kids

If you have children, be supportive of them. After all, they’re going through a divorce, too. Work on creating positive memories, finding them loving caregivers (if needed), and settling into their new lives. Try to remain positive when you’re with your kids, and avoid talking badly about your former spouse especially in front of your children. Need a little help planning fun activities when your kids are with you? Take a look at our guide to family things to do in Oak Park for some helpful suggestions.

Divorce Representation That Focuses on You

At Conniff & Keleher, LLC, our focus is on you. We treat each case with care and compassion and understand the impact divorce has on individuals and families. Our divorce and family attorneys are well-equipped to help you achieve the goals you seek from your divorce so you can get on with your life on your terms. Contact us today to schedule a legal consultation and learn more about the services we offer.

Have questions about your taxes after divorce or what happens with your divorce record? We’re here to help. Consult our blog to gain information on these subjects and more.

Contact Our Family Law Attorneys in Chicago & Oak Park Today

If you have divorce or family law needs in the Chicagoland area, our skilled attorneys will work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Trust us to provide creative, personalized, and compassionate representation for your legal needs. For immediate case review, please call us at (708) 763-0999.